Circle K 5th Run Series 2024

Location: ITDC Peninsula, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia

Circle K Run (CK Run) will return this year. Unlike last year’s theme, this time runners are invited to start the day with a morning run at sunrise, experiencing the freshness of nature and new energy in the Circle K 5th Run Series 2024.

The Circle K 5th Run Series 2024 will be held at ITDC Peninsula, Nusa Dua, Bali on July 28th, with two running categories, 5 km and 10 km, aiming to attract a minimum of 2,500 participants. This event targets running communities, athletes, former athletes, employees, students, families, and tourists.

The Circle K 5th Run Series 2024 will offer participants the chance to enjoy the beautiful scenery and fresh morning air of Nusa Dua. Besides running, participants can also enjoy entertainment such as live music bands, DJ performances, and Zumba classes to enliven the atmosphere.

Registration opened on May 19th via the website There is a special price of Rp 200,000 for the first 200 registrants in all categories. The regular registration fee for the 5K category is Rp 250,000 and for the 10K category is Rp 275,000.

Total prizes worth tens of millions of rupiah are available for the winners and door prizes at this year’s Circle K 5th Run Series. Participants will receive a race pack consisting of a t-shirt, bib number, timing chip, and a tote bag filled with merchandise from sponsors worth Rp 250,000. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will receive finisher medals, podium medals, and cash prizes for each category.

Circle K Run (CK Run) akan kembali hadir tahun ini. Berbeda dengan tema tahun sebelumnya, kali ini para pelari diajak untuk memulai hari dengan berlari di pagi hari (morning run) menjelang matahari terbit, merasakan kesegaran alam dan energi baru dalam acara Circle K 5th Run Series 2024.

Circle K 5th Run Series 2024 akan digelar di area ITDC Peninsula, Nusa Dua, Bali pada 28 Juli mendatang dengan dua kategori lomba lari, yaitu 5 km dan 10 km, dengan target mencapai minimal 2.500 peserta. Kegiatan ini menyasar komunitas lari, atlet, mantan atlet, karyawan, mahasiswa dan pelajar, keluarga hingga turis.

Circle K 5th Run Series 2024 akan membawa para peserta menikmati keindahan panorama dan kesegaran udara pagi Nusa Dua. Selain berlari, para peserta juga dapat menikmati hiburan seperti live music band, penampilan DJ, dan kelas zumba yang akan memeriahkan suasana.

Pendaftaran telah dibuka pada 19 Mei lalu melalui situs web Terdapat harga khusus bagi 200 pendaftar pertama sebesar Rp 200.000 untuk semua kategori. Sedangkan, harga pendaftaran reguler untuk kategori 5K sebesar Rp 250.000 dan 10K sebesar Rp 275.000.

Total hadiah puluhan juta rupiah tersedia untuk para pemenang dan doorprize pada penyelenggaraan Circle K 5th Run Series tahun ini. Para peserta akan mendapatkan race pack berupa kaos, nomor bib, timing, dan tote bag yang berisi merchandise dari para sponsor senilai Rp 250.000. Juara 1, 2, dan 3 akan mendapatkan finisher medal, podium medal, dan uang tunai untuk masing-masing kategori.

>> 10K IDR 275.000

>> 5K IDR 250.000

>> Community – 10K IDR 247.500
(Registration for 5 persons, price total IDR 1.237.500)

>> Community – 5K IDR 225.000
(Registration for 5 persons, price total IDR 1.125.000)
What’s Included:
  • T-shirt
  • Bib number
  • Timing chip
  • Finisher Medal
  • Tote Bag Merchandise Sponsors
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