Great Green Run Singapore 2024

Location: Singapore, Marina Garden Drive

Save the date: 12 October 2024, from 7am to 4pm at Marina Barrage for The Great Green Run, presented by CIMB! Enjoy a newly designed scenic route passing through Marina Bay Sands. Earn unique medals made from fallen trees in Bhutan and stand a chance to win trips to Finland and Bhutan in our lucky draw. Don’t miss out—grab your tickets now!

12 Oktober 2024, dari jam 7 pagi hingga 4 sore di Marina Barrage untuk The Great Green Run, dipersembahkan oleh CIMB!  Nikmati rute baru yang indah melewati Marina Bay Sands. Dapatkan medali unik yang terbuat dari pohon tumbang di Bhutan dan berkesempatan memenangkan perjalanan ke Finlandia dan Bhutan dalam undian kami. Jangan lewatkan—dapatkan tiket Anda sekarang!

Prize/s: Lucky draw: 2x ticktes to Lahti, Finland; 2x pairs of tickets to Bhutan; and 3x Brompton Bicycles
Race Pack Collection:
around 1 week prior to running events
What’s Included:

eco-friendly jersey featuring a sleek honeycomb design and handcrafted wooden medal

Photos from Last Year

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