LPS Monas Half Marathon 2024

Location: Monas, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia

The LPS Monas Half Marathon race is an event organized by the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) in collaboration with Harian Kompas.

Just from its name, participants in the LPS Monas Half Marathon will be challenged to cover a distance of 21.095 kilometers within a time limit of 3 hours and 30 minutes.

Not only to enliven the running activities in Jakarta, but the presence of the LPS Monas Half Marathon is also expected to become a new icon in the capital’s running scene. All security and safety facilities have been prepared to overcome the main challenge of organizing a running competition in Jakarta, which is traffic density.

At its peak event, the LPS Monas Half Marathon 2024 will invite 5,000 runners to run and compete on a half marathon route with a point-to-point concept from the National Monument (Monas) area and ending in the GBK Istora area, while passing through historical sites in Jakarta.

The presence of the LPS Monas Half Marathon is expected to demonstrate that Jakarta is friendly towards running sports. Support from Jakarta residents and the DKI Provincial Government can show that Jakarta is a comfortable place for running. Didik Madiyono from the Board of Commissioners for Deposit Insurance and Resolution Programs at LPS assesses that running has become a trend and is favored by the wider community. This momentum is also utilized by them to convey information about the role and function of LPS as one of the financial authorities in Indonesia.

To participate in the LPS Monas Half Marathon 2024, participants are charged Rp 375,000 (early bird), group program Rp 450,000, and normal price Rp 750,000. Later, participants will receive a drawstring bag, BIB, race jersey, finishing jacket, and finishing medal.

Lomba lari LPS Monas Half Marathon adalah acara lari yang diadakan oleh Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) bekerja sama dengan Harian Kompas.

Dari namanya saja, peserta LPS Monas Half Marathon akan diuji untuk menempuh jarak sejauh 21,095 kilometer dalam batas waktu 3 jam 30 menit.

Tidak hanya untuk memeriahkan kegiatan lari di Jakarta, keberadaan LPS Monas Half Marathon diharapkan dapat menjadi ikon baru dalam dunia lari di ibu kota. Semua fasilitas keamanan dan keselamatan telah dipersiapkan untuk menghadapi tantangan utama dalam menyelenggarakan perlombaan lari di Jakarta, yaitu kepadatan lalu lintas.

Pada puncak acaranya, LPS Monas Half Marathon 2024 akan mengajak 5.000 pelari untuk berlari dan berkompetisi di rute half marathon dengan konsep point to point dari area Monumen Nasional (Monas) dan berakhir di kawasan Istora GBK, sambil melewati tempat-tempat bersejarah di Jakarta.

Kehadiran LPS Monas Half Marathon ini diharapkan dapat menunjukkan bahwa Jakarta ramah untuk olahraga lari. Dukungan warga Jakarta dan Pemerintah Provinsi DKI dapat menunjukkan bahwa Jakarta merupakan tempat yang nyaman untuk berlari. Didik Madiyono dari Dewan Komisioner Bidang Program Penjaminan Simpanan dan Resolusi LPS menilai, olahraga lari telah menjadi tren dan diminati oleh masyarakat luas. Momentum ini juga dimanfaatkan pihaknya untuk menyampaikan informasi mengenai peran dan fungsi LPS sebagai salah satu otoritas keuangan di Indonesia.

Untuk mengikuti LPS Monas Half Marathon 2024, peserta dikenai biaya Rp 375.000 (early bird), program grup Rp 450.000, dan harga normal Rp 750.000. Nantinya, peserta akan mendapatkan tas serut, BIB, jersey perlombaan, jaket penyelesaian, dan medali penyelesaian.

Prize/s: Over all ( Male & Female ) :
> 1st Place IDR 120.000.000
> 2nd Place IDR 90.000.000
> 3rd Place IDR 60.000.000

Nasional ( Male & Female ) :
> 1st Place IDR 50.000.000
> 2nd Place IDR 40.000.000
> 3rd Place IDR 30.000.000
> 4th Place IDR 23.000.000
> 5th Place IDR 17.000.000
> 6th Place IDR 15.000.000
> 7th Place IDR 12.000.000
> 8th Place IDR 10.000.000

Nasional Master ( Male & Female ) :
> 1st Place IDR 9.000.000
> 2nd Place IDR 8.000.000
> 3rd Place IDR 7.000.000
> 4th Place IDR 5.000.000
> 5th Place IDR 4.000.000

Elite Break The Limit ( Male & Female ) :
> 1st Place IDR 50.000.000
Registration Fee :
– Early Bird IDR 375.000
– Group of 3 IDR 450.000/person
What’s Included:

Drawstring Bag – BIB – Jersey – Finisher Jacket – Finisher Medal

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